Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Andrew Head's Recreation

Photo by: Spaceboy, edited by Justin

Many of you remember Andrew Heads previous MKIIII Supra as one of the hottest cars around! Well since then he has sold it and purchased another white one! This Supra is a targa top and an actual gte model. Somehow, Andrew bought his old CCW classics back from the person he sold them too and polished the crap out of them! Andrew has reconstructed his previous car, except this time around its faster, cleaner, and even more appealing to the eye! Great job Andrew many of us envy you for not owning one MKIIII but three!

That sweet rear end!

Bobs mad flash skills!

So much win!!!!

Photo's by Bobstin, (Bob and Justin) edited by Brooke Walker


  1. I love this supra,one of the nicest local supras.Herd him reving it up one night and reved back in a v6 camaro for shits and giggles :)
